Patricia Mariel Sorribas

Dr. Patricia Mariel Sorribas is a professor at the National University of Córdoba and an Adjunct Researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (Argentina). She has carried out research stays at different universities: Central University of Venezuela (Network of Public Macrouniversities of Latin America and the Caribbean, 2008); Complutense Institute of International Studies (ICEI) of the Complutense University of (Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID, 2010); Area of Political Science and Administration of the University of Salamanca: (Carolina Foundation, 2011/2) and in the GRUP DE RECERCA EN EDUCACIÓ I TREBALL of the Autonomous University of Barcelona within the framework of the INCASI network (International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities, 2016). She has been a CONICET and SeCyT/UNC grantee. She has obtained the Prize for Innovation and Improvement of Public Policies: PhD Category granted by the National Institute of Public Administration, 2012 edition. He has published articles in scientific journals in the field of Psychology, Communication and Political Science (Espacios Públicos; Latin American Magazine of Public Opinion; Quaderns de Psicologia; Mexican Magazine of Public Opinion; Global Media Journal; Political Psychology; Polis Sociopolitical and psychosocial research and analysis ; Rev. Public Administration and Society; CEIC Papers; Interamerican Journal of Psychology; Journal Spanish of Psychology). She carries out transfer and dissemination tasks through her participation in the "Red Ciudadana Nuestra Córdoba", coordinating the group "Local Democracy" Her current line of research focuses on the non-electoral dimensions of processes and institutions of political participation, analyzed mainly at the local level of government and based on the notion of "democratization."