Vincenzo Maimone

I graduated in Philosophy at the University of Messina. Currently I am Associate Professor of Political Philosophy at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Catania. I teach in the Master's Degree Program in History and Culture of the Mediterranean countries. The main theme of my course is the philosophical-political analysis of human rights and related application issues in the contest of democratic institutions.I published several essays and articles on scientific journals and the monograph, La SocietĂ  incerta. Liberalismo, individui e istituzioni nell'era del pluralismo, (Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2002).My scientific interests include theories of justice, questions of equality and the nature and feasibility of social contract in the contemporary society.Among my recent publications: Which Welfare State? Which Social Policy?, and Democracy is the power to say "No". From calculus of consent to reasonable dissent.I am also an author of noir novels. I published four novels, Un nuovo Inizio (Sampognaro and Pupi, 2009); L'ombra di Jago, (Sampognaro and Pupi, 2011); La variabile Costante, (Fratelli Frilli Editori, 2014); Sicilia terra bruciata, (Fratelli Frilli Editori, 2016). I am passionate about cooking and I love to ride around the world with my red and flaming Harley Davidson.