Daniel Stader

Daniel Stader completed his B.A. in philosophy and German philology at Universität Trier andhis M.A. in philosophy at Freie Universität Berlin, where he continued working on severalprojects in the fields of history of knowledge (e.g. the Einstein-fundet project “Zur Genealogiedes Begriffs der Unparteilichkeit”) and literary studies (e.g. assistance in the elaboration of a fullproposal for a Cluster of Excellence entitled “Temporal Communities. Doing Literature in aGlobal Perspective”). Currently, he teaches at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle and researches inthe DFG-funded project “Kant’s notion of (im)maturity in historical and systematicalperspective”[1]. His PhD-project examines Kant’s notion of (im)maturity (that has been used asa concept by Jürgen Habermas and Michel Foucault) as a metaphor introducing an early idea ofpolitical subjectivity. This examination assumes that only a genetic analysis of Kant’s workincluding his notes and lectures can thoroughly trace its meaning and importance. Stader isinterested in political and social philosophy, in philosophy of history, as well as in epistemologyand the philosophy of economics. Furthermore he is concerned with the question of theintersection of historical and systematical approaches.