Luke Davies

Luke Davies is a Fellow in the Department of Government at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is also finishing a DPhil in philosophy at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Ralf Bader and Ralph Walker. Prior to starting the DPhil, he completed the BPhil in Philosophy at Oxford and a BA(hons) in philosophy, bioethics and religion (specialisation, major, and minor respectively) at the University of Toronto.Luke's main research interest is Kant's political philosophy. His dissertation develops and defends a novel reading of Kant’s account of citizenship. According to this reading, Kant’s account of citizenship is systematically embedded in his political philosophy as a whole. As a result of this, a proper understanding of the account of citizenship provides us with valuable resources for understanding Kant’s political philosophy more generally. The development of this systematic view also demonstrates that the current focus on Kant’s active/passive distinction misses much that it interesting about his account of citizenship.In addition to his interest in Kant, Luke is also interested in contemporary moral and political philosophy and applied ethics. He has written about issues such as the right to health care, the moral permissibility of eating insects, and the Belgian child euthanasia bill.