Darlei Dall’Agnol

Full Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. He holds a degree (1983-1986) and a Specialization (1987) in Philosophy from the University of Caxias do Sul (RS) where he also worked as a teacher (1987-1993). He has a Masters in Philosophy at UFRGS (1988-1992) and a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Bristol (PhD, 1996-2000), England, with works in the area of ??ethics. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship in metathetics at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, US (2006-7), where he began the development of a new moral epistemology, namely, practical cognitivism, and in bioethics at the Center for Practical Ethics at University of Oxford, UK (2015-6) where he applied it to issues of practical ethics explaining the implications of respectful care. He was head of the Departments of Philosophy of UCS and UFSC and Coordinator of the Nephi - Nucleus of Ethics and Political Philosophy of UFSC. Founded and was the first editor of the magazines Conjectura and Ethic @ (QUALIS A2), and, today, he coordinates the Ethica Series by EdUFSC with a 14-year degree in Philosophy (Master's and Doctoral Degree) from UFSC. published in different fields of ethics. He is the author of several books, articles and book chapters in Brazil and abroad, highlighting recently the books "Morality and Life" (Pisa, Italy, 2015), "Ethics in Wittgenstein and the Problem of Relativism" ( València, Spain, 2016) and "Care and Respect in Bioethics" (England, 2016). In the first semester of the academic year 2017-8, presented a series of conferences at Michigan State University on Respectful Care in Bioethics and Neuroethics with support from the Fulbright (Exchange Visitor Program -CIES). Since 2004, he is Researcher at CNPq (1C) and currently participates in the O3 Global Research Consortium: "Our Brain, Our Selves, Our World: an international research consortium on neuroscience, ethics and society." (2016-2021) led by Professor Ilina Singh of Oxford University.