Sandra Viviana Palermo

I was born in Buenos Aires, but I studied philosophy and graduated at the University of Perugia with the highest marks (summa cum laude). I received my PhD at the University of Pavia (Italy). Between 2008 and 2013 I worked as an assistant professor in the “Theoretical Philosophy" chair at the University of Perugia until I got a post doc scholarship by the CONICET (National Scientific and Technical Research Council) in Argentina, where I worked two years under Mario Caimi’s supervision.Currently I am associate professor of “History of Modern German Philosophy” at the University of Río Cuarto – Argentina – and Associate Researcher by CONICET.My research areas are the German Idealism and the Italian Neo-Idealism, with special focus in Kant and Hegel and in Luigi Scaravelli, respectively. My currently research at the Conicet focuses on the role of the notion of the intuitive understanding in the Critique of the Power of Judgment. Published books: Il bisogno della filosofia. L’itinerario speculativo di Hegel tra Francoforte e Jena (1797-1803), Mimesis, Milan 2011; Tra critica e metafisica. Luigi Scaravelli lettore di Kant, ETS, Pisa 2012; Sulla Prima Introduzione alla Critica della facoltà di Giudizio, ESI, Napoli 2014.I am member of the “Società Italiana di Studi Kantiani” and have published several papers and articles in international journals, as “Studi Kantiani”, “Giornale critico della filosofia italiana”, “Hegel Jahrbuch”, “Methodus”, “Isegoría” and “Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã: Crítica e Modernidade”.I am member of the “Società Italiana di Studi Kantiani” and have published several papers and articles in international journals, as “Studi Kantiani”, “Giornale critico della filosofia italiana”, “Hegel Jahrbuch”, “Methodus”, “Isegoría” and “Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã: Crítica e Modernidade”.